Saturday, March 20, 2010

Excuses Excuses

Wow. I'd like to apologize for the unacceptable hiatus between posts. I haven't even written since the beginning of the semester! Bad. I just want to say first of all that I haven't been posting outfits because after cross-country ended and during Christmas break, I gained weight and didn't fit into most of my clothes. I felt so terrible that I got rid of half of my wardrobe because I could bear to see myself wearing it any longer. Unfortunately, all I really have in my closet are workout clothes, jeans, and a few cardigans. I'm getting back on track with my health but it has been taking a large bite in my blog time.

My classes this year require me to sit at the computer for hours on end, reading, doing research, and participating in online discussions. Don't you just love that the teachers can assign homework online now?

My two free days are occupied by an internship with young designer Kate Cummings. I'm getting lots of experience, but it really takes a lot out of me. I have input on design, and spend a lot of time in the garment district.

So, basically, I haven't had time to sew anything and I've been wearing my Asian Student Network shirt, leggings, and Converse pretty much everyday.

Wow. I make a lot of excuses. Legitimate?Lindsay and me on my 21st Birthday/Valentines Day. We didn't have Valentines, so I made these obnoxious heart pins for us to be Valentines together.